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martedì 30 settembre 2014
LOU REED - Baby Face
Jim, livin' with you'd not such fun
You're not the only one
You don't have the looks
You're not the person that you used to be
And there are people on the street that would go for me
And I said, no, no, no, no, no
Baby face
And I said, no, no, no, no, no
Baby face
I met you in a bar in l.a.
I was not feeling so good
You did the proper moves
You did everything that you should
But now you're making a mistake
And somebody else will take your place
You're taking drugs off of me
And I said, no, no, no, no, no
I said now, no, no, no, no, no
I said now, no, no, no, no, no
Baby face
I said, now, no, no, no, no, no
Baby face
You're not the kind of person
It's easy to live with in a house
I cook all your meals
I make sure that you work out
But lately it's been gettin' so hard
(man, you don't split your stash with your blood)
The way you talk, ooohhh, the way you walk
(you can keep it)
And I'm not sure exactly what it's all about
And I said, no, no, no, no, no
Baby face
I said, now, no, no, no, no, no
Baby face
I said now, no, no, no, no
I said now, no, no, no, no
Ooohhh, baby face, ohh
No, no, baby face
No way, no, baby face
Uh, uh
(you can keep it, just keep it)
giovedì 25 settembre 2014
My Honda Africa Twin Rd04
My daily Beloved Africa Twin

Special autoprodotta su base Africa Twin Rd04, ideata per essere usata quotidianamente e per essere affidabile ed utile sia per il lavoro che per turismo, anche fuori strada: alleggerita, rinforzata, accorciata, dotata di presa 12V, baule asportabile, led e faretto a led ausiliario ideato da Officinasegreta utilizzando un vecchio faretto vintage da bici integrandovi al suo interno un fendinebbia a led attivabile tramite uno switch...
Per aumentare l'affidabilità è stata sostituita la vecchia pompa della benzina con una a depressione fabbricata dalla Mikuni.
Integrato un voltmetro nella strumentazione e modificata nell'estetica e nella colorazione.
Self-produced special based on an Honda Africa Twin RD04, designed to be used daily and to be reliable and useful for business and travels, even out of the way: lightened, reinforced, shortened, with 12V socket, removable case, LED spotlight and LED auxiliary created by Officinasegreta using an old spotlight vintage bike by incorporating an internal LED lamps that can be activated by a switch ...
To increase the reliability has been replaced the old fuel pump with a vacuum fuel pump manufactured by Mikuni.
Integrated a voltmeter in the instrument cluster and revised in aesthetics and coloring.
Alex Turner of Arctic Monkeys with his Holiday Customs bike.
Matt Helders and his motorcycle
mercoledì 24 settembre 2014
Adios Amigo
Ieri ho salutato il mio casco integrale Arai. L'ho comprato quando avevo 22 anni. C'ho girato l'Italia e un po' di Europa. Pochi anni fa l'avevo restaurato, sostituito la visiera, ripristinato i meccanismi, lavato il sacco e gli interni. Messo da parte come una cosa preziosa. La mattina dell'incidente fui preso dallo sfizio di calzarlo nuovamente... ne è uscito ferito ma integro, contribuendo ancora una volta a regalarmi la sensazione di essere protetto. Ancora una volta. Come un buon amico. Nonostante tutto.
Adios Amigo.
Yesterday I said goodbye to my Arai helmet. I bought HIM when I was 22 years old. I rode around Italy and a bit of Europe. A few years ago I restored him, replaced the cap, replaced mechanisms, washed the bag and the interiors. Put aside as something precious. IN the morning of the crash was caught by the whim to fit him again ... it came out wounded but intact, contributing once again to give me the feeling of being protected. Again. As a good friend. Despite all.
Adios Amigo.
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